Fahrenheit Bottleless Water Cooler -White with Green Trim Kit

Fahrenheit Bottleless Water Cooler -White with Green Trim Kit
Check Price for Fahrenheit Bottleless Water Cooler -White with Green Trim Kit

With 27 different color combinations the Fahrenheit bottleless water cooler is the perfect design for any decor. Featuring a stainless steel reservoir, adjustable cold water thermostat, and impact and scratch resistant durable HDPE cabinet, this commercial bottleless water cooler is the perfect water dispenser solution..

Bottleless Details: The Fahrenheit bottleless water cooler incorporates a filtration system (rated capacity 3,000 gallons) built right into the dispenser. Mounted in the area under the cover where a water bottle would normally be housed, the filters are easy to access and ch

Installation Process: Once you have your water line in place (1/4 inch outside diameter tubing) it takes only 10-15 minutes to install the cooler following simple step-by-step instructions. Best of all, no tools are required. Anyone can easily complete the installation!. Aquaverve Water Coolers are Energy Star Approved, UL Certified, and ADA Compliant. All filtration systems are also NSF (National Safety Foundation) approved.

Originally posted 2015-10-27 18:48:24. Republished by Blog Post Promoter